Selasa, 24 April 2018

Minggu, 08 April 2018

marketglory guide: best steps "first day"

“FIRST DAY-Best Steps” Market Glory Strategy | Atomic.

How To Play Market Glory

1.   Day -1
a.   Fight
b.   Referral Fight
c.    Attack
d.   Attack Now
e.   Wait 10 Minutes
f.     Done
g.   Then, Repeat The Steps < 10 Times >
h.   After Fight U can Work
a.   Work
b.   Work Now

Note: 1 Day   -> 10 Fights
          1 Fight -> 10 Minutes
          1 Day   -> 1 work

2.   Day -2
a.   Buy Newspaper
b.   Choose The most Cheap Newspaper
c.    Fight
d.   Work

3.   Day -3
a.   Buy Milk < High Quality >
                                                  i.    Market
                                                ii.    Local Market
                                              iii.    Food
                                              iv.    Dairy
b.   Buy Newspaper
c.    Fight
d.   Work

Kamis, 05 April 2018

Cryptocurrency: The Digital Coin

What is Cryptocurrency and

How Does It Work

Definition, transaction processing, and factors affecting

The term cryptocurrency is increasingly being discussed by various virtual types such as Bitcoin is getting a lot of interest as an investment because of its fluctuating value. This article will cover the basic concepts, how the system works, the facts with the system, and what can be used as a nuisance in the financial business arrangement.

Definition of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed as a medium of exchange or transaction, or more easily we can call it as a digital currency. Cryptocurrency itself is now being used by many people, especially for those who like to make extra money through the internet. Some countries such as Japan, Australia, Singapore, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States have legalized the use of one of the most famous cryptocurrencies of Bitcoin, but it is not legal to mean that Bitcoin can be used for payment in that country. Existing but his government does not forbid to search and use Bitcoin to transact on the Internet. Cryptocurrency itself has many types such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin and many others whose total reach hundreds. 

Etymologically, cryptocurrency is composed of two words, namely crypto that corrects on cryptography or coding language in the world of computers and currency that interfere with the value of the currency. It can be said that cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that can be used virtually (over the internet) protected by a complex coding computer. So what's different with the currency that is currently used, such as currency, which will also be used for digital? Cryptocurrency has decentralized nature, while the transaction model that has been used in the community is centralized. For the next Information about Cryptocurrency you can open this link

Here's an explanation of the two-dimensional price in a case study.

The centralized nature is exemplified in the current model used by society. For example, in this case, people who want to make transactions using banking services (ATM, Mobile Banking, or directly to related banks). These payments are made through trusted banks and services.
So the process of money coming into the bank first, then forwarded to the recipient. The process is not real time. However, it is quite appropriate because through the process, then there is an answer that must be issued, namely the administrative costs, either issued immediately (if different bank account) or in administrative fees charged every month.

Illustration of a decentralized process of financial transactions

While the decentralized nature means that no one is a mediator or a special party who became intermediaries. The transaction is done in a peer-to-peer manner from the sender to the recipient. All transactions are recorded on computers located on the network, worldwide, or called miners (miners who help secure and record transactions on the network). Miner itself will earn commissions with virtual money used, but not everyone can be a miner, because it takes special expertise with complicated computational processing to solve cryptography used. This is one reason why cryptocurrency miners generally use high-specific and specialized computers.

Illustration of a decentralized process of financial transactions

The nature of this decentralization is the DNA of the Blockchain system. Basically Blockchain becomes a platform that allows digital currency cryptocurrency can be used to transact.

Identify Blockchain

Blockchain is a system of recording or database that is widespread on the internet, often referred to as distributed ledger. Every recorded transaction is also visible to all internet users. So Blockhain can also be defined as a ledger that can be accessed by anyone, including people who do not make transactions. Blockchain also has several characteristics in transactions and records, namely as follows:

1. Have a more logical calculation

Basically Blockhain is something that can be calculated mathematically, because the blocks contained in it in the form of code that can be translated and verified developers. The algorithm in it makes its value can be more measurable, in contrast to the currency that is used today. For example USD, its value is usually controlled by the Central Bank in the United States. They are free to print how many are in a given period, including interest rate implications.
In contrast to cryptocurrency, because it is based on structured mathematical calculations, even the amount of currency distribution can be predicted. So that everyone can know, three more years there will be how much digital money there is in the world. Even the inflation value can be well calculated. One picture of its growth can be accessed in the following graph:

Projected amount and Bitcoin inflation

2. Have a qualified security

The benefit of Blockchain's decentralized nature is that there is no data centered in one place. All spread to miner servers, aka the miners who helped to secure the Blockchain network. To become a miner they must accurately solve the existing calculation algorithm, thus creating a new block (with commission in the form of nominal digital money). Because the information is spread, if there are hackers who try to break into any system they should be able to control at least 50% of miner computers in the network.
Cryptocurrency that exists today

There are several types of cryptocurrencies that are currently widely used, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, or Ripple. Bitcoin became the first digitally launched money, and is now the most valuable. One of its uniqueness, Bitcoin is only created up to 21 million coins (predicted to be mined by the year 2140), this is an inviolable protocol because it has been an agreement from the beginning.

The existence of a definite boundary distribution, making Bitcoin can not be faked or experienced inflation. Bitcoin is also a new beginning of financial transformation. With Bitcoin allowing people to transact globally with computing devices, without the need for intermediaries like banks or other services.

Which is currently no less popular is Ethereum, created Vitalik Buterin in 2015. The concept is almost the same as Bitcoin, because both are built on Blockchain network. Here the miners work to get Ether, the cryptocurrency currency that helps run the Ethereum network. For the concept of decentralized transactions, Ethereum can utilize the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, a transaction management body that is run entirely by programming codes and smart contracts with no central authority and control. No third party can change the data that has been stored into the Blockchain network.

In addition to the two types of coins above, there are still many alternative coins with their respective characteristics. According to, there are now over 1560 types of cryptocurrency-based digital currencies spread across the world.

That affects the value of cryptocurrency

Currency cryptocurrency fluctuations in value are based on several conditions, one of which is due to availability / scarcity. But sometimes the value also increases or decreases because of trust and usage in the community of its users. In general, the rise and fall of cryptocurrency value is influenced by market mechanism.

Bitcoin exchange rate fluctuations in the past year

Unfortunately the cryptocurrency market has a high volatility or rate of change, so it is very volatile. If many people want the currency and its value is not too much, then its value will also increase. Other factors sometimes affect. WannaCry attacks some time ago indirectly helped increase the fluctuation of values, because it forces users to make payments through cryptocurrency.

Transaction mechanism

The basic concept in each cryptocurrency transaction, the entire network will record the running history, including the amount of transactions and balances held. For example, a person has successfully transacted and confirmed by the recipient, then the entire network connected to the Blockchain will immediately know the information that contains an explanation that there has been a certain number of transactions and has been digitally signed by providing a private key into the system.

Confirmation of the receiver becomes very crucial of a cryptocurrency transaction. The confirmed transaction is stored in a container called Blocks. The transaction records are permanent, irreversible, hijacked, or falsified and form part of a chain block or Blockchain. The permanent property that makes the cryptocurrency of the transactions immutable alias can not be canceled when it is sent.

“For more information, you can go to ”.

GREEN CELL: Agen Pulsa